Splash out

splash out というのは、spend a lot of money on something that you don't necessarily need = 必ずしも必要でないものに大金を使う、という意味。


I was feeling down, so I splashed out on a new computer and then felt great.
The shops were full of people splashing out after pay day.
I fancy sushi. Let's splash out and go to that new restaurant down the road. It's expensive but the food looks delicious.


make a splash するというのは、suddenly become very successful or famous = 突然大成功を収めたり有名になったりする、という意味。


Bradley Wiggins made a splash by winning the Tour de France. Nobody had heard of him and a week later he started the Olympic Opening Ceremony.



(これは、BBC Learning English の Today's Phrase - Splash out を日本語にしたものです。)